Saturday, April 24, 2010

Eye heart steampunk!

Keith Newstead- A Steampunk Romance

Been fascinated (--ok, obsessed) with steampunk lately. When I first heard of the subject, I was indifferent because it would use brass and golds, colors that I usually find repulsive. After watching Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow on an EMS overnight shift, I realize how amazing it is. It is the perfect harmony of romantic Victorianesque simplicty melding with the future's science fantasy. The most adamant of all themes is the hope and optimism.

From Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle

Here's a couple steampunk sites:
-The Steampunk Home
-The Steampunk Lab

The Gin Diaries

BY Suff Daddy

Another one of those albums that you have to listen to tracks 1-13. It's a narrative of life lust through fresh beats. Perfect for driving.


<a href="">4 My Holiks by Suff Daddy</a>

Makes you want to reconsider snail mail !!

Google map envelopes!
Designed by two students at Syracuse U. It would be great if Google takes the pitch!

via lostateminor

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

MA's finest...

I effing LOVE Passion Pit. Their Manners CD has been playing in my car and in the ambulance for going on two weeks now. It's one of those albums you can listen through from first to last track without skipping a single song. It's great. Must be fantastic to see them live.

Check out MGMT too!